Saturday, August 29, 2009


Currently Listening to: Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight, Tonight

What makes a man a man?

A simple question it would seem that comes loaded with so many different possibilities and answer combinations that i could take an entire lifetime to answer this one question. But what makes a man a man? Is it the physical changes that occur when he goes through puberty? Or is it the time that he realizes what is important in life and devotes his efforts to that? Or is it when he first kisses a woman or gets married?

I've been thinking about all of this for a while now. It's something that is funny because though I claim to be a man (and look like one), I act as selfish and immature as a child. So what makes a man? Here are some words of wisdom that have been a huge influence on my thought for the last few weeks as I have thought about whether or not to come back to my fraternity or whether to continue on my path of education.

"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things." 1 Corinthians 13:11

And that my friends and audience is what it is to be a man. If every boy (no matter what age) where to put away their childish things what kind of world would we live in? Would the divorce rate be so high? Would abortions be necessary? Would raping and murdering still happen?

I honestly think the answer to these questions is NO. Some may find this simple minded and naive, but if every man and every woman for that matter were to put behind them the simple pleasures and desires of their childhood and grow up we would be better off.

So as I go into this upcoming year my prayer for all of my Brothers in Christ is to put away your childish things and become the man you are called to be, a man of Christ, a man women want to be with, a man worthy of calling yourself a man.

I'm tired now and need to sleep. Posting will be regular from now on as long as nothing big pops up. Till than laters!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Currently listening to: Mrs. Robinson - Simon and Garfunkle

I hate it when my brain decideds it doesn't want to work. So this post is going to be exactly three minutes of nothing but stream of conciousness writing, mkay?


Why do they call it baseball? I mean I want cupcakes....stupid song. I'm so tired I really don't want to go to work. Majiuana. Random. What ever happened to Garfunkle? I mean Simon went on to have a career but no one says what happened to Garfunkle. Why is America so oppsessed with more and more food in serving sizes? Was Joe DiMaggio a good baseball player cause we never hear about him. I wonder if he was like a Babe Ruth.

I like Symphonic Metal it's so classy and rebelious at the same time. Oooo, email I have to read. Some important stuff going down. I want to move in so bad. I can't wait to get out of this weird summer crap

Oh, times up.....

3 more mins go!

I want a car, but I'm afraid that if I walk on the lot the guys will shove credit crap down my throat. If the country is run on credit, brownies, where do homeless people go when it rains?

If the police are supposed to protect us how come they seem to get out of hand and abuse it? Does absolute power corrupt absolutely, if so why do we have presidents and all that? I mean can't we assume that the power they have will also corupt them even more cause they have more power than clowns....

I really hate clowns the movie "It" ruined them for me, I wonder how many people are afraid of clowns and if it has something to do with that movie? Why do dogs lick their privates? and what is with them sniffing each other's butts? Maybe we should do that too

Okay time to sleep.

And that is what goes through my head in 6 minutes....

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Currently listening to: Through the Fire and Flames - Dragonforce

So I'm convinced that my car (Adrianne's car) emits an aura of stupidity because it seems that every freaking time I come home from work at 6pm-ish I catch some of the stupidest crap I've have ever seen on the road including but not limited to:

Talking on the phone while shaving
Cutting off an 18 wheeler while taking a sip of your overly-sized mug
Zig-Zagging in and out of traffic while painting your nails
Shaving, Talking on the phone, Applying make-up, and Eating while driving like a bat out of hell
Passing someone(and flip the bird) for going to slow in the left lane, only to than take a phone call and do the exactly what you just passed someone doing

And the list could go on and on and on. The sad thing about all of this crap is that most of the stupid crap and accidents I see coming and going from work all involve a victim usually obeying the traffic laws and a woman....

Now you can say how I'm a sexist and that men cause just as many accidents as women, but I'm sorry I have actual proof of women being more hazardous on the road. And it's not all women it's just the ones that believe it is safe to drive and multi-task....

It's my opinion that if we are going to drive that we shouldn't do anything else but enjoy music or something non interactive. No more of this crap of driving and chaging a kids diaper. It's just not worth it in the end....

And for the good Lord's sake STOP TXTING & DRVING!!!!!!1

In all honesty that is the number one reason for most accidents I see happen or drive past...texting.

So what about all this hazardous driving and stuff? Why has it suddenly skyrocketed in the last few years? Well it's this whole idea that we have to stay connected to everything and we have to be busy and working for something 24/7. The idea that we should only stop when we are dead is literally killing us.

We need to stop thinking about what I have to do next and start thinking about nothing. Here's a challenge: next time you are driving somewhere whether it's down the street or across country, turn your phone off, turn the radio off, turn the iPod down or off(shouldn't be listing to it anyway it's against the law) and just listen to the world pass you by. I guarantee a more relaxing drive and a less stressful day. Promise! Enjoy life just don't just speed through it

So turn off your computer and stop giving sexual favors while driving through downtown Dallas with your windows open and and your music blasting drawing attention to you (that was a funny day), and freaking enjoy all life has to offer.

And that's what I think.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Currently listening to: Bullet With Butterflywings - Smashing Pumpkins


I want you to picture yourself a student still, whether you are still in college or high school. Think of your favorite teacher now. Think of the teacher that you not only miss now, but you would actually enjoy going to that person's class every stinking day.

Okay now that we have this ideal set up in our minds, I want you to think about the one thing about that teacher that made them your favorite and the "best" teacher you have ever known. What is it that that one person had/has that we love so much? Honesty. That is simply it. Honesty.

I say this cause it's true, think about that teacher, mentor, pastor the one thing that each and every single one of them has in common is an honesty only surpassed by the one and only Jesus Christ.

Today at work I was having trouble with some dent work on trombone's. I'm slowly improving but it takes practice so I would ask a co-worker for his opinion. I see him as my mentor through this process whether he knows it or not. And he was brutally honest with me telling me how it was the saddest piece of you-know-what that he has ever seen in brass repair ever; but the difference is after he berated me and told me about how he learned he sat there and told me how to fix it. (This has been going on for a while now.) And with much, much practice today he has helped me become better.

One thing you should know about this mentor I have, we'll call him Steve. Is that he has been through everything possible in his life. He got expelled from college, thrown in jail, got in a police shootout, flipped his car going 90, got divorced, gotten many diseases, broken his neck, been in a coma. And all of this before he has turned 55...

But for all of his life's problems and struggles he has become one of the greatest teachers in my life. Without him I don't think I could have made the decision to focus my efforts in instrument repair.

Alright enough sappy-ness for this post. Here's the point: If we see honesty as the greatest value of a teacher, than why don't we always use this quality? I mean if we truly want to be the teacher's of the next generation whether in education, physical performance, or spiritual guidance why don't we cut the crap and get down right honest with everyone?

I think that if we were at least slightly honest with everyone we come in daily contact with the world would suddenly start to turn into something more than just a place we live and breathe, it might become something we aren't ashamed of; if honesty were the basis of how we live and conduct business and socialize shouldn't the world become a better place? Shouldn't we start to see more of God's love for us?

I mean after all wasn't/isn't God the greatest teacher of them all? If we strive to be honest, to be a teacher, to be like God shouldn't love be the by product? It only makes sense.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that no matter what kind of background a person has or what they do for a living, or how they perceive the afterlife or even what deodorant they use shouldn't change the fact that you should be honest with them cause in the end it's WJWD.

Honesty = Love = God

Think about it.

Monday, June 29, 2009


So here we go, let me start off by saying that I'm not writing this for peoples acclamation or approval. I'm writing this as a way of expressing what I experience or think of what happens to me daily.

With that said, here we go:

Today was an okay day. I had work and all the stresses that go with it. A.k.a. having to deal with people that don't respect my views on life, as well as trying not to mess up to badly and get fired.

Ive been going through a lot lately trying to decide if I want to continue on in Instrument Repair. The way I sees it is that I've found something I really like doing, but many people don't even know about. And to top it off, I'm not even sure if I can make a "successful" life doing this. I mean most people go through this at some point in their life and it's no surprise I'm thinking this now in college. But whatever I'll get through it.

So in other news we've seen a lot of death's in the United States in the past week with Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, and most recently Billy Mays. What I don't get is why the nation in the state it's in decides to completely ignore all the problems we have and focus on their death's? It makes no sense honestly. Why should we forget that the nation is in serious debt, countless people are below the poverty line, and more and more people are becoming homeless each second. Not the mention the countless other deaths to more serious things like violence and diseases that we have no known cure for...

I'll continue more on this later cause honestly it will take a while.

So I want to start doing some kind of reviews of movies, shows and music that I have seen and liked or not liked. So here is the beginning of Daniel's Thoughts on Modern Culture!!!!!

I went and saw The Hangover and Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen this past week.

The Hangover:

Was definitely a typical guy movie. Losts of stupidity and lots of swearing. It was very crude at moments but one thing that remained constant was that I couldn't stop laughing. And the comedy wasn't the same stuff all the time, there was slapstick and awkward comedy and just flat out gross comedy. All in all I don't reccomend this movie unless you don't care about massive amounts of swearing and lots of crude moments: including a full frontal Male nudity part.

Transformers 2:

EPIC MOVIE! I mean I keep seeing reviews of how it has no plot or is very dull. That can't be farther from the truth. It has a great story line that accurately follows the original TV series from the 80s-90s and lots and lots and lots of action! I mean I had to pee halfway through the movie but I had to stay put for the entire movie. It was that good.

Current favorite music:

Ratata: Mirando

Daniel Out.

Follow me on Twitter: DanSteRod