Saturday, August 29, 2009


Currently Listening to: Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight, Tonight

What makes a man a man?

A simple question it would seem that comes loaded with so many different possibilities and answer combinations that i could take an entire lifetime to answer this one question. But what makes a man a man? Is it the physical changes that occur when he goes through puberty? Or is it the time that he realizes what is important in life and devotes his efforts to that? Or is it when he first kisses a woman or gets married?

I've been thinking about all of this for a while now. It's something that is funny because though I claim to be a man (and look like one), I act as selfish and immature as a child. So what makes a man? Here are some words of wisdom that have been a huge influence on my thought for the last few weeks as I have thought about whether or not to come back to my fraternity or whether to continue on my path of education.

"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things." 1 Corinthians 13:11

And that my friends and audience is what it is to be a man. If every boy (no matter what age) where to put away their childish things what kind of world would we live in? Would the divorce rate be so high? Would abortions be necessary? Would raping and murdering still happen?

I honestly think the answer to these questions is NO. Some may find this simple minded and naive, but if every man and every woman for that matter were to put behind them the simple pleasures and desires of their childhood and grow up we would be better off.

So as I go into this upcoming year my prayer for all of my Brothers in Christ is to put away your childish things and become the man you are called to be, a man of Christ, a man women want to be with, a man worthy of calling yourself a man.

I'm tired now and need to sleep. Posting will be regular from now on as long as nothing big pops up. Till than laters!

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