Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Currently listening to: Bullet With Butterflywings - Smashing Pumpkins


I want you to picture yourself a student still, whether you are still in college or high school. Think of your favorite teacher now. Think of the teacher that you not only miss now, but you would actually enjoy going to that person's class every stinking day.

Okay now that we have this ideal set up in our minds, I want you to think about the one thing about that teacher that made them your favorite and the "best" teacher you have ever known. What is it that that one person had/has that we love so much? Honesty. That is simply it. Honesty.

I say this cause it's true, think about that teacher, mentor, pastor the one thing that each and every single one of them has in common is an honesty only surpassed by the one and only Jesus Christ.

Today at work I was having trouble with some dent work on trombone's. I'm slowly improving but it takes practice so I would ask a co-worker for his opinion. I see him as my mentor through this process whether he knows it or not. And he was brutally honest with me telling me how it was the saddest piece of you-know-what that he has ever seen in brass repair ever; but the difference is after he berated me and told me about how he learned he sat there and told me how to fix it. (This has been going on for a while now.) And with much, much practice today he has helped me become better.

One thing you should know about this mentor I have, we'll call him Steve. Is that he has been through everything possible in his life. He got expelled from college, thrown in jail, got in a police shootout, flipped his car going 90, got divorced, gotten many diseases, broken his neck, been in a coma. And all of this before he has turned 55...

But for all of his life's problems and struggles he has become one of the greatest teachers in my life. Without him I don't think I could have made the decision to focus my efforts in instrument repair.

Alright enough sappy-ness for this post. Here's the point: If we see honesty as the greatest value of a teacher, than why don't we always use this quality? I mean if we truly want to be the teacher's of the next generation whether in education, physical performance, or spiritual guidance why don't we cut the crap and get down right honest with everyone?

I think that if we were at least slightly honest with everyone we come in daily contact with the world would suddenly start to turn into something more than just a place we live and breathe, it might become something we aren't ashamed of; if honesty were the basis of how we live and conduct business and socialize shouldn't the world become a better place? Shouldn't we start to see more of God's love for us?

I mean after all wasn't/isn't God the greatest teacher of them all? If we strive to be honest, to be a teacher, to be like God shouldn't love be the by product? It only makes sense.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that no matter what kind of background a person has or what they do for a living, or how they perceive the afterlife or even what deodorant they use shouldn't change the fact that you should be honest with them cause in the end it's WJWD.

Honesty = Love = God

Think about it.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could blog like you, but I can't type what I'm feeling as well as I can write it, which is why I like journaling so much.
