Monday, June 29, 2009


So here we go, let me start off by saying that I'm not writing this for peoples acclamation or approval. I'm writing this as a way of expressing what I experience or think of what happens to me daily.

With that said, here we go:

Today was an okay day. I had work and all the stresses that go with it. A.k.a. having to deal with people that don't respect my views on life, as well as trying not to mess up to badly and get fired.

Ive been going through a lot lately trying to decide if I want to continue on in Instrument Repair. The way I sees it is that I've found something I really like doing, but many people don't even know about. And to top it off, I'm not even sure if I can make a "successful" life doing this. I mean most people go through this at some point in their life and it's no surprise I'm thinking this now in college. But whatever I'll get through it.

So in other news we've seen a lot of death's in the United States in the past week with Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, and most recently Billy Mays. What I don't get is why the nation in the state it's in decides to completely ignore all the problems we have and focus on their death's? It makes no sense honestly. Why should we forget that the nation is in serious debt, countless people are below the poverty line, and more and more people are becoming homeless each second. Not the mention the countless other deaths to more serious things like violence and diseases that we have no known cure for...

I'll continue more on this later cause honestly it will take a while.

So I want to start doing some kind of reviews of movies, shows and music that I have seen and liked or not liked. So here is the beginning of Daniel's Thoughts on Modern Culture!!!!!

I went and saw The Hangover and Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen this past week.

The Hangover:

Was definitely a typical guy movie. Losts of stupidity and lots of swearing. It was very crude at moments but one thing that remained constant was that I couldn't stop laughing. And the comedy wasn't the same stuff all the time, there was slapstick and awkward comedy and just flat out gross comedy. All in all I don't reccomend this movie unless you don't care about massive amounts of swearing and lots of crude moments: including a full frontal Male nudity part.

Transformers 2:

EPIC MOVIE! I mean I keep seeing reviews of how it has no plot or is very dull. That can't be farther from the truth. It has a great story line that accurately follows the original TV series from the 80s-90s and lots and lots and lots of action! I mean I had to pee halfway through the movie but I had to stay put for the entire movie. It was that good.

Current favorite music:

Ratata: Mirando

Daniel Out.

Follow me on Twitter: DanSteRod

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