Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Obligatory Post

Music Mood: 1979, Smashing Pumpkins

So here is my obligatory post for the first of many overhauls of my blog/website. Just to catch everyone up to what's going on in my life: I'm getting married to the most amazing girl I have ever met in about 3 weeks and I'm super excited about that. I am out of school now still pending a degree. I figure that will come whenever and I should just jump into work and get that experience in my belt. I hope that you will continue to put up with me as I write pedantic ravings about how 'awesome' I am. Just know I am doing that as a self promotion as well as a way of sharing with others what I really do from 10-6 everyday. I'm not an egomanic. I am, however, quite good at what I do and that is repairing band instruments. 

I recently got a full time position at Brook Mays Music in Irving, TX and I am hoping to expand while I stay there. I recently bought business cards so peeps might be reading this from those if so, "Welcome!" I am trying to attract as much business as possible including the elusive school district accounts. But for now I'll just say "Hello" again and actually start updating this quasi-daily. 


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